Top 10 Questions on Managing Forest Land
If you are a new woodland owner or if the property has been in your family for generations, you may have questions on forest stewardship and where to find additional information and resources. The USDA Forest Service has compiled a list of things all forest landowners should know. Click on the links below to read more. Please also feel free to contact our sister company Cross Creek Timber, LLC for more information at 864-517-3621 or visit
1. How can I find a good forester or logger, and what should I expect from them?
2. What should I do to grow a forest in my fields, pastures, or cut-over land?
3. How much tree volume is in my woods, and how fast can I expect my trees to grow?
4. What is stand improvement? Can it make my best trees even better?
5. Do I need to harvest trees and, if so, how do I get started?
6. How can I avoid problems with ATVs on my land?
7. What steps should I take to protect water quality during forestry operations?
8. What should I do about the dead trees in my woods?
9. What can I do on the finance and tax side to improve my profit potential?
10. Am I practicing sustainable forest management?